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Tout sur le procès de Bordeaux

Procédure et historique de l'affaire Papon

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Le cédérom et le livre sur l'affaire Papon

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Les acteurs de l'affaire Papon

1961 - les évenemlents d'Algérie, les archives

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Dernière mise à jour : le 01/11/2002


Montesquieu would turn in his grave!

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I am 22 years old and studying law. In my opinion this trial is very needed but I am not satisfied with the way it's handled, considering that mister Papon is not in prison during the process. When a person is accused of a bank robbery he/she most probably waits for the judgement behind the bars but a crime against humanity is not that horrible? C'est pas grave, non?

If the process continues like this, the picture of France as a civilized country will fade away in many people's eyes. France, the pioneer of democracy and European current law system, the cradle of culture, can really be ashamed of itself. The stability of the state is based on people's opinion about the politics and before all, about the justice. So the danger is the world's reaction : Who can we trust if not the European trial tradition with the idea of objective judges with humanity?

Montesquieu would turn in his grave!

I would like to believe that such a thing wouldn't happen again.

From the very cold winter of Finland, warm hugs and a lot of courage to all of you!


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© Affaire Papon - JM Matisson

Page mise à jour le 01/11/02 06:29

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